Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sabrina Jungs

Sabrina Jungs

Work from the series Displays Unplugged and Himmel.


General Statement -

"To have a view is a visuell phenomenon capable of satisfying human longing, a experience extraordinaire. An impressive view is sure to leave an imprint in the viewer’s memory. Above all, an image of the view connected to feelings of grandeur, beauty, vastness, and freedom. To pause and let the mind wander sensitive men return to their viewpoints.

The German term „Aussicht“ translates both as view and as expectations, prospects. Thus, it can denote the hope for something new and to gain a special outlook, insight, or perspective in both their visuell and psychological meanings. It means the far sight of the horizon or overlooking a beautiful landscape as well as a look through a window. A view is normally only granted from an elevated vantage point, some views might even be available only at a certain time of day or year."


Himmel - (my translation, apologies for flaws)

A video camera constantly films the sky above. These recordings are sent in real time to a projector in the exhibition space, and projected into a circular cutout in the ceiling. The projection creates an imaginary transparency through the ceiling of the building into the sky (site specific). The size of the projection corresponded exactly to the radius of the ceiling skylights that are blocked in the exhibition space. The projection will run continuously, thus it changes depending on time of day, weather and other factors.

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