Work from As A Real House.
"The Wild Project is pleased to present As A Real House, the first solo exhibition of photographs by Sarah Palmer. The exhibition culls images from Palmer’s series of the same title, which evolved from previous work that sought memory, lost time, and hints of the absent-present in landscapes, rooms, and objects. As A Real House turns these ideas inward, departing from a critical exploration of the sentimental and the sweet, and moves into darker corners of remembrance, identity, and invention. The work explores the artist’s futile attempt to study time by stopping it mid-decay, and traces of her search for the possible and impossible within the medium. Palmer plays with elements of scale to reveal the vulnerability of both the subject and medium. As A Real House delves into the self-reflexive realms of photography, commenting directly on the boundary between what is real and what is invented, immediate and hidden, desirable and grotesque." - text via The Wild Project
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