Sunday, August 23, 2009

Teresa Solar Abboud and Carlos Fernández-Pello

Teresa Solar Abboud and Carlos Fernández-Pello

Work from Dibujando un Espacio.

"The 3 exercises on space and language were the first attempt of the authors working together.

The idea arised from the situation the authors lived, one being in Barcelona and the other one in Madrid and spending quite a lot of their time sharing their ideas through out the telephone.

This piece is divided into a two channel video projection, a two channel audio-only conversation, and a diaporama set to project on an upper corner of the installation room. Each of the pieces is located in separate corners in the exhibition space.

The projection piece, "drawing a space (between madrid and barcelona)", comprises two video pieces recorded while speaking on the phone, synchronising images and making them interact while being 500 km. apart.

The audio piece, "a conversation in corner" , recollects the conversations of the authors on the whole project, working as an audio puzzle with fragments of both sides of the phone interfering with one and other.

The third piece "limits", projects onto a physical limit ( a corner ) different spatial limitations such as other corners, dictionaries, people and symbols of territoriality." - Teresa Solar Abboud and Carlos Fernández-Pello

via New Art

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